So what can an MBA do for your career? This article will explore various routes on how MBAs can sharpen up your skills to become a true, all-round leader of a successful organization.

According to a recent report by CBS News, a Master’s of Business Administration, better known as an MBA, is a waste of time and money – this is simply not true. The truth is once you obtain an MBA, it’s up to you what direction you want to go. Getting an MBA shows people that you mean serious business about your career goals and you refuse to feel stagnant in your career.
Let’s get one thing straight about MBAs: it is not for the clueless or the undecided – it shouldn’t be looked upon as a last resort when the going gets tough. As these degrees are quite costly, it is best that you have a focused plan mapped out – knowing your next career move, knowing the industry you want to work for and what you want to achieve. If you have some valuable business experience behind you, even better! After all with an MBA, you can bump up your salary to the region of £65-£70K – and that’s excluding bonuses! Furthermore, you can take off anywhere in the world with this business administration qualification, as MBAs are internationally recognized.
So how can an MBA enhance your career? In a nutshell, it helps you perfect the existing communication and management skills. An MBA will open your eyes to every aspect of a business organization – sales, marketing, human resources and project management and how these departments work in sync together. Above all, an MBA will encourage you to think outside the box, to spot relevant and irrelevant information in a split second and how to spot and overcome unforeseeable problems and issues. MBAs also teach you how to develop, in the broadest sense, people skills and strengthen existing relationships with co-workers by setting attainable goals. In fact, once you have an MBA under your belt, you’re looked upon as a true leader of an organization!

Despite the world of advantages, it brings, there’s one thing you need to bear in mind -Once you get that MBA, it does not guarantee a managerial position. According to reports, as of 2008 around 25 percent of companies are not recruiting candidates with an MBA. With that said MBA is sharply increasing in popularity.
So if your place of work that doesn’t recognize the benefits of having an MBA, then it’s time to seek for organizations that see the significance of having the business qualification. This is where the networking skills come into play: In MBA courses, there are opportunities to mingle with fellow MBA students for any job opportunities. Remember these fellow MBA students are also professionals with potentially valuable contacts.
There is another way of finding out whether the qualification is of value to your desired organization: look up the bios of current chief executives and see if they hold an MBA qualification.
So what’s the moral of this story? If you work hard for your MBA, in the long run your MBA will work hard for you!