Stars Who Underwent Incredible Weight-Loss Transformations


One of the most talented and versatile actors in Hollywood today, Christian Bale, has a net worth of $80 million and is great at money management. He’s another artist who’s put his weight and health on the line to make sure his performances are perfect. When he landed a role on the movie The Machinist, Bale took up weight training to lose a total of 63 pounds. After filming ended, he weighed just 121 pounds and needed to bulk up for his role in Batman Begins. He managed to put on 75 quickly by eating plenty of carbs, pizza, and ice cream.

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After an impressive performance in Precious, Gabourey Sidibe gained immense support, a lot of fans, more fame than she had imagined, and even an Oscar nomination! The actress has a net worth of $6 million and could certainly increase the number through sensible investment. She also made another sensible choice to focus on getting fit since her weight began to cause problems to her health. She gave herself a target of losing 100 pounds, and has made several lifestyle choices that helped her get to the finish line. She’s continued to focus on losing weight and staying healthy so she can reach the perfect BMI.

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Jorge Garcia’s love affair with food is no secret! He has revealed before that he simply can’t resist indulging in food! Well, it was when he landed a role in Lost that he had to lose 30 pounds to portray Hugo, which he was successful in doing. However, fans grew concerned when his weight climbed and hit the 400-pound mark!

Even though medical professionals felt a gastric bypass was the only hope for Garcia, he ventured into a vegan diet. He surprised himself and his fans — and most certainly the doctors — when he saw a 100-pound weight loss! He sure showed everyone! It just goes to show that professionals can sometimes be mistaken, and it also proves how powerful a diet based on plants is! In a recent interview, he also spoke about how the vegan food diet has helped overcome his food cravings too