Nat king cole and natalie cole in their 20s

The Jazz world lost a bright star when Nat King Cole died at the young age of 45 due to complications from a tumor in his lung. He left behind his grieving family, friends and fans, but his musical legacy still lives on. One of his four daughters, Natalie, also chose to follow a career in music and she did exceedingly well for herself, winning a total of 9 Grammy awards. Later on in life, she developed a drug addiction problem that let to her getting a liver transplant, which eventually failed and killed her in the process. She died in 2015 at the age of 65. Only if she has money and health management skills, she would’ve survived still.
Debbie reynolds and carrie fisher at age 23

Debbie Reynolds is one of most enduring Hollywood actresses before her passing in 2016, with her most famous film being the classic Singin’ in the Rain. But to Star Wars fan, Debbie Reynolds was not a Hollywood legend, but the lovely mother to Carrie Fisher aka Princess Leia. It was the love for the craft that Carrie inherited from her mother, and she went on to become a screen writer as well, in her later years. As for the looks department, Debbie has quite an edge with her daughter, looking as if she was just Carrie’s older sister. People cannot help but wonder what anti-aging secret she was keeping. Her net worth of $25 million investment money allows her to live very comfortably – now and after she’s retirement too!
Yolanda foster and gigi hadid at age 18

Looking at their photo, you would think Yolanda and Gigi are twin sisters. Yolanda has always been vocal about calling her daughter, Gigi, her ‘mini-me’. Gigi Hadid is currently one of the ‘It Girls’ in the fashion industry, with her face all-over magazine spreads and billboards. Do you think Yolanda is wishing for an anti-aging secret to bring back her younger face to look like her young daughter now? We would, if we were in her place, but as it is, she has had her share of success in the modeling world, and it is time for her children to take advantage of good genes they inherited from her. Meet the Hadids, the family of models who have been called ‘the first family of fashion’ and are worth more than $57 million combined, and have a lot of investment plans.
Janet leigh and jamie lee curtis at age 20

We bet Janet Leigh, who is best known for her role as the victim in the thriller movie, Psycho, never imagined her daughter’s entrance in Hollywood will be through a slasher movie as well. Jamie Lee Curtis will definitely pass a Hollywood DNA test, because aside from becoming an actress like her mom, she certified her belongingness by first appearing in the classic slasher film, Halloween. If you are wondering if Jamie inherited Janet’s scream as well? Go ahead and rent the two movies and see for yourself.Of course, both of them are very rich, too. With Janet being a Millionaire, we wonder how luxurious their lifestyle and investments are?
Billie ray cyrus and miley cyrus at age 16

Billie Ray Cyrus left a lot of fans with “Achy Breaky Hearts” when he married Leticia “Tish” Cyrus in 1993, a few months after they had daughter, Destiny Hope Cyrus, whom we all know as the famous, Miley Cyrus. Miley did not inherit Billy Ray’s looks, as she is a carbon-copy of her mom, Tish. Her parents will most likely have not set-up a trust fund for his daughter, Miley, as her current net worth is so much bigger than her dad’s – Miley’s stands at $200 million, while her father is worth $20 million.