Most of us don’t realize how quickly our everyday expenses add up. There are several small changes we can make in our lives to start saving. Here are a few tips to keep some of that money in your wallet.

1. Skip the morning coffee.
If your place of employment has a coffee machine, take advantage of it! If you get coffee 5 times a week, that could cost you as high as $80 a month. (Almost $1000 a year)
2. Avoid those ATM fees
Take the time to figure out how much cash you will need for the week and get it from your bank’s ATM. Other ATMs can charge you up to $5 for the transaction, and some banks will add $3 on top of that.
3. Always find a coupon before you buy.
Use websites like of Coupon Cabin to search for printable coupons and coupon codes for online purchases.
4. Save those leftovers.
Whether you’re out at a restaurant or cooking at home, don’t throw those leftovers away. Save any food you have and use it for tomorrow’s lunch. You paid for it, so make it worth every penny.
5. Bring your lunch to work. Buying lunch every day can really add up. Even if it’s only $5 for lunch, that’s $25 a week, $100 a month, and $1200 a year. Plan ahead with those groceries you bought (with coupons of course), and set out lunch for the week. You’ll soon find a hunk of change left if your wallet.
6. Skip the Gym memberships.
Healthy living and exercise are very important, but you don’t need to pay a gym membership to get fit. Some of the best exercises can be done without all the fancy equipment. Go for a run around your neighborhood, or turn to where there’s an endless supply of fitness videos. (Some of my favorites are Billy Blanks Taebo and Winsor Pilates Advanced Body Slimming). Live in a big neighborhood? Get good enough at those videos and you can host some fitness classes at your house for some extra cash.
7. Share your meals.
How many times have you gone out to a restaurant and the portions are huge? Plan to split a meal with a friend beforehand and both your wallet and thighs will be appreciative.
8. Carpool. Travel with a friend whenever possible to save on gas.
9. Use cash, not credit, when filling your tank.
Most gas stations charge you more to fill up your tank if you are using credit, so why not use cash? Those pennies to the gallon will add up fast.
10. Save water, shower together.
Lower that water bill while spicing up your love life with your significant other. See, saving money can be fun!